Yellow Pine
The color and character of our yellow pine flooring is the result of hundreds of years of aging. Yellow pine is defined by pronounced grain patterns with notable, swirling rings and is known for tones of rich yellow, amber, and red. Our yellow pine flooring has even more character than most, as it is reclaimed from historic siding, flooring, and beams.
We carefully hand craft each flooring plank to retain its rustic patina as well as highlight the natural history found in its saw marks, nail holes, and stress cracks. This floor is a popular choice for those looking to create a more historic, rustic, and character-enhanced effect in their design.
Width | 2”-12”
Length | 2’- 20’
Thickness | 3/4" unless customized
Edges | Bevel, Micro-bevel, or Square
Milled Profile | Square or Tongue & Groove
Finish | Unfinished or Pre-finished to customer specifications
Engineered Wood Flooring | Click HERE for details
Services | All flooring is kiln-dried, end matching available
Custom orders beyond these specifications available upon request.